Taxes are an integral part of running a business, and they often represent a substantial portion of your expenses. However, there’s good news for businesses looking to reduce their tax burden and stimulate growth – business tax credits. These credits provide financial incentives for companies to invest in various activities, from research and development to […]
Business Best Practices
Breaking Down Self-Employed Tax Rates: How to Stay Compliant
Breaking Down Self-Employed Tax Rates: How to Stay Compliant As a self-employed individual, you have the freedom to be your own boss, set your own schedule, and pursue your passions on your own terms. However, with that freedom comes the responsibility of managing your finances and staying compliant with tax laws. Understanding self-employed tax rates […]
5 Common (and Costly) Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Making Them
Payroll is one of the most important aspects of any business. But it’s one that, when running smoothly, business owners don’t tend to think about. However, when there’s a payroll errors, it jumps to the forefront of an owner’s mind. Here are several payroll mistakes that can cost you a bundle and how to avoid […]
Independent Contractor or Employee? The Differences
Employee or independent contractor, what’s the difference ? The distinction may be challenging to make sometimes, but the IRS has very strict rules about it. Depending on the size of your business Onboarding a new hire can involve a lot of reading and writing for both of you. You may want the new worker to […]